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Innovations in Home Technology That Are Empowering Accessibility

Accessibility is growing by leaps and bounds with advances in technology over the last few decades. EZ-ACCESS® may specialize in wheelchair ramps and bathing equipment, but we’re advocates for accessibility in all ways possible. It’s encouraging to see the market evolve and create accessibility options through technological advances. 

Technology Enabling Independent Living

Recently, Moen Incorporated debuted their Flo Smart Water Monitor and Shut Off. Capable of leveraging AI, the device can determine when a leak begins in the home and will automatically disable the water line to prevent flooding. For those with limited mobility, monitoring and automation help capture issues that could otherwise go unnoticed and lead to major damage. Even if a leak was visibly detected by the resident (and they had an accessible ramp to get to the shutoff valve), they may not be able to get into a tight space and reach the actual knob. Technology integration performs this service immediately, without needing anyone around to assist. 

The growth of smart and interactive technology, like Alexa, Siri, and Google Home, has also enabled new possibilities for home accessibility modifications. With voice commands and connected devices, actions like turning on the light in a room, activating the security system, and even ordering items for delivery become simple. For those with limited mobility, the option to use a voice command for activities provides independence that can otherwise be impossible. Imagine being able to simply ask the light to turn on instead of having to navigate across a room with a walker or cane, potentially risking a fall if balance is a concern. The ease with which technology accomplishes tasks without physical action is one of its most significant advancements thus far.  

Even cleaning has become easier through technology. Robotic vacuum and mopping systems have grown in popularity as well as functionality. With the ability to map the surfaces of the home, run on an automated schedule, and detect obstacles, these devices help provide a service that someone with limited mobility may be unable to do on their own. Integration with mobile devices and voice-activated systems allows those who live alone to easily set a cleaning schedule and control the device without the physical requirement of manually vacuuming or mopping. 

Leveraging Technology at EZ-ACCESS 

Each of these advances and those on the horizon can inspire us to continue our own innovations. EZ-ACCESS has embraced the concept of constant evolution by creating products that fill gaps in the accessibility market, such as our portable wheelchair ramps. While our ramps and bathing equipment may not be voice-activated, they are created with an abundance of research and innovative design. Take the TILT® Toilet Incline Lift, for example; it’s a unique product that provides independence in the bathroom through carefully designed mechanisms. As part of our dedication to accessibility, EZ-ACCESS constantly evolves our products to better serve the accessibility community, and we will always advocate for progress in accessibility options, no matter the mechanism. 

EZ-ACCESS is here to help you start down the path to accessibility for your home, business, workplace, or any other setting. Whether you’re looking for an access ramp or accessible bathing equipment, our Customer Service team is ready to be your guide.

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