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Spring Cleaning Your Access Solutions

After the harsh winter that we’ve had in some parts of the country, it’s important to give your access solutions a thorough spring cleaning.

The snow, ice, and slush that comes with the winter months can do a number on any type of ramp, even an aluminum one. Hopefully, you’ve been able to keep your ramp clear throughout the last few cold months, and now it’s time to give it a deep clean to maintain the product’s safety and cleanliness.

image of a broom sweeping

Sweep off the Debris

Grab a broom and sweep the dirt, leaves, and other debris off the ramp or steps. Be sure to get in the corners and grooves of the tread to ensure nothing gets stuck. It’s best to work from top to bottom so shoes or wheels do not track debris with you as you go.

image of mop and bucket of water with EZ-ACCESS

Gently Rinse & Wash

Next, rinse off the ramp or stairs with a garden hose. If Magnesium Chloride was used to melt snow or ice accumulation on the ramp system, the surface can be cleaned with soap and water (avoid alkaloid detergents) to remove Magnesium Chloride residue.

illustration of a hand scrubbing with a rag

Spot Check with a Rag

If you notice leftover dirt or spots at this point, don’t worry. Grab a damp cloth or soft brush and scrub the concentrated spots with soap and water (avoid alkaloid detergents).

illustration of a hand drying with a rag

Dry It Off

While aluminum ramps can endure all kinds of conditions, it’s best to wipe the access solution down with a rag after the final rinse. This will ensure a proper grip on any railings and will eliminate any unnecessary water on the surface for the safety of anyone using the aluminum ramp or stairs.

If winter lasts a little longer in your area...

Save this article and check out another blog we wrote about staying safe with wheelchair tips for winter!

Above all else, stay safe while you clean the ramp and don’t be afraid to reach out if you have any questions.

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